Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (LCMS)



New Bible Study!

The Adult Bible Study Class after the service is studying the Biblical Festivals! Join us as we dig deep into scripture to learn more about the historical context of our Christian faith: how God kept His people faithful to Him through the feasts and how each feast points forward to Christ!


Men's Prayer Breakfast – Saturday, October 12th, 8:00 – 10:00 am

"Who Am I – What am I doing here?" -  As men, we have many vocations: son, husband, father, leader, follower, child of God, and countless others. Over time, we learn that we fit into God's creation and His scheme of things, not the other way around. This discussion is about fulfilling our role and God's place for us within His creation. Contact Pastor Doyle for more information.

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17


Jubilation Homeschool Choirs: Basket Auction

Join us at Good Shepherd LCMS on Friday, October 18th, 2024, for a live basket auction to support our local Jubilation East Mountain Homeschool Choirs! Registration opens at 6:45; the auction begins at 7pm.

For additional information, to donate, or to preregister to bid, please call:
(505) 573-6716


Movie Night: The Chosen

Save the Date: the next Movie Night is on Friday, October 25th, 4:30-6:30PM.  We will be watching (the last) Episode 8 of Season 1 of The Chosen.  Pizza and popcorn provided.


Messiah 2024

Rehearsals for the East Mountain Community Chorus’ annual Messiah Concert begin at 3pm Sunday, October 27th. Grab your Messiah music book and join the choir or orchestra in presenting Handel’s moving music to the community this Christmas season!  No experience required. Rehearsals will be every Sunday from 3pm to 5pm in the sanctuary of Prince of Peace from October 27th through December 1st. Orchestra Rehearsals will begin at 2pm starting Sunday, November 3rd. Dress Rehearsal will be from 2pm to 5pm Saturday, December 7thSolo auditions are Sunday, November 10th, at 2pm.  Presentations will be Sunday, December 8th and Sunday, December 15th.


Quilt Auction

The Prince of Peace Quilters will be holding their annual Silent Quilt Auction Thursday, October 31st through Thursday, November 21st. Come and see the beautiful baby and full-sized quilts that they have been working on all year! All proceeds go to charity.


Trunk or Treat

Your trunks are needed for Trunk-or-Treat, Thursday, October 31, 2024, 5:30-7pm! We need donations of candy and toys. Helpers and trunks are also needed.  Please sign-up on the poster in the Foyer. Thank you!


Toys for Tots 2024

Prince of Peace is a collection site for Toys for Tots 2024! Drop off new, unwrapped toys that the Marine Corps Reserve will distribute to local needy children this Christmas! Have all donations in no later than December 6th.


Thank you for your generosity in kitchen donations!  The kitchen is currently in need of cookies!  Thank you!