Bible Studies Our Bible study classes are up and running again! Join us at 10:30 on Sunday mornings for our study on Demons or attend the Tuesday morning Bible Study on the book of Job at 9am. Come on out; we’d love to see you!
Sunday Fellowship Servers Needed! We have vacancies on some Sundays for a volunteer to arrive early to make coffee and prepare the goodie trays to be served after church. Two people are needed each Sunday. Please see Terry Camp or contact her at (505) 235-4649 if you are available to do this. Thank you!
Men's Prayer Breakfast Saturday, February 8th, 8:00 – 10:00 am "Who Am I – What am I doing here?" - As men, we have many vocations: son, husband, father, leader, follower, child of God, and countless others. Over time, we learn that we fit into God's creation and His scheme of things, not the other way around. This discussion is about fulfilling our role and God's place for us within His creation. Contact Pastor Doyle for more information. "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Church Clean-Up Come, help us clean the inside of our church on Saturday, February 22nd from 9am to noon. Remember: many hands make light work. If the weather does not permit this date, our back-up is: March 15th. Thank you!
Volunteer Needed! With the passing of our dear sister Bonny, we are now in need of a volunteer to spearhead the assembling of the palm crosses for Palm Sunday. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this effort that Bonny used to make to honor the beauty of our Risen Lord. To volunteer or for more information, see Pastor Feuer. |